alibi room 500

not gonna lie to you, my head was hurtin’ this mornin’
the alibi 500 knocked the stuffin’ outta me!

photo credit: rodney gitzel

here we are enjoying a glass of iain hill’s oud bruin
the nail in the coffin of my feeling good this morning!

can i even remember what all i tried last night?
nope, but i did write it all down on my 500th beer list, which i inconveniently left at home
highlights include: four winds radler, lighthouse numbskull and brassneck / parallel 49 collaboration cereal killer
i really wanted the new belgium lips of faith terroir, but it wasn’t cold enough to serve yesterday
i am debating whether my poor head can survive a return trip for it…

Published by

Jerry Villainous

IT Engineering, robotics, creative flex, craft beer, madness. Shake vigorously to change the order for delightfully problematic results.

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