camra newsletter

look ma!
i got a mention in camra’s newsletter!

Rebecca of Beck’s Beer Blog has a regular spot on CBC’s On the Coast with Stephen Quinn.
This week she talked about the changes to the liquor laws. If you missed the live broadcast you can find it here. (Feb 19, fast forward to the 1:30 mark) Upcoming shows are March 5th and 19th and you can listen live @5.50pm FM 88.1.

shaw tv’s the rush

i just taped a segment on shaw tv’s “the rush”
(formerly urban rush)
i am not talking about beer on the segment
but michael eckford does mention this blog so that makes it beer related, right?!

i’ll be chatting with mike and fiona about the cable access show i co-host on shaw called outlooktv
which just celebrated its one year anniversary
check it out on shaw channel 4 at 10 and midnight tonight
(also 2 a.m for the insomniacs and service industry folks)
and again tomorrow morning at 10 a.m.
or you can go new skool and find it on tomorrow
there is some sort of streaming thing too at from noon until three daily… rewind to the 20 minute mark and you can watch me right now…


there is just no time for beer this week
well, not no time, just very little time

why this week?

well its the vancouver queer film festival august 11 to 21
and i’m spending nine of those 11 days involved with the festival
mostly watching films
but also three nights of volunteering
what a saint i am!

the two days in my calendar not taken up with the festival are today and next saturday
today i get to go join the vanbrewers and sample their wonderful brews
before i hit the bc lions game
next week i get to go see two wonderful friends get married
and they promise me there will be kegs of craft beer at the reception!
(of course i would have gone even without that promise)

what does this mean in general?
not much to anyone but me and my nearest and dearest really
but its my excuse to any of y’all who are reading this for the very light content on the blog over this period!

and speaking of volunteering, i’ll be pouring at beerlesque next friday night
(at the roundhouse, put on by camra vancouver and vcbw)
right after seeing a queer film
fun, fun, fun!!


update #1:
the centennial hops have been moved to their new new home
three of the rhizomes are now in bridget’s vegetable garden with tomato wires protecting them from the curious cats
the fourth is in a container on my balcony
they were looking so perky…
hopefully being moved before they managed to put down many roots
and right before a rainy night
will treat them well enough for us to get some tasty hops in the fall!

update #2
dead frog got back to me about hosting a bloggers tour and tasting
unfortunately the brewers are only there on weekdays
too many of the beer bloggers have pesky day jobs during the week
and the whole thing has just fallen apart

update #3
go canucks go!


it was my birthday weekend
so my apologies for not posting at all, but hey, i was busy celebrating the joy that is me!
and thank you vancouver for giving me a sunny birthday weekend!

thank you to my friends for all the great beer gifts too!
i got four beer books
and countless beers
some of which i have already tried
and some of which are new to me
its going to be fun tasting them all!
now to just find the time to blog about it all…

which leads me to the fact that vancouver craft beer week is rapidly approaching
as i am going to an event pretty much every day of the week and working that day job in between, i fear that posts will be few and far between for the next little while