i want there to be a physical ipaday event in vancouver
i’m working on making one happen
and why not – it is a blogger’s dream event
for a social media neophyte, it is something i want to jump on!

in the meantime here are some links to more information about #IPADay:

from the originator of the event, the beer wench herself, some FAQs about #IPADay

announcement from the european host brewery about #IPADay

mark your calendar!

august 4th is ipa day!!

Greetings Craft Beer Drinkers! Welcome to International #IPADay — the world’s largest celebration of craft beer.

International #IPADay is a grassroots movement created to unite the voices of craft beer enthusiasts, bloggers, and brewers worldwide, using social media as the common arena for connecting the conversation together.

On Thursday August 4th, craft beer drinkers across the social sphere and across the globe will raise pints in a collective toast to one of craft beer’s most iconic styles: the India Pale Ale. This celebrated style represents the pinnacle of brewing innovation with its broad spectrum of diverse brands, subcategories, and regional flavor variations – making it the perfect style to galvanize the craft beer’s social voice.

To participate, share your photos, videos, blog posts, tasting notes, recipes, thoughts with the world on Twitter Facebook, YouTube, WordPress, RateBeer, Foursquare, Gowalla, Yelp, Untappd or any other social media platforms you may use. Use the hastag #IPADay in all of your posts and then see what others are saying by searching the hashtag on google, twitter or other social media resources.

Participants are also encouraged to organize “real-life” #IPADay events your local brewery, brewpub, restaurant, bar, home, or office. Share your events on the official #IPADay forum at RateBeer.com.


update #1:
the centennial hops have been moved to their new new home
three of the rhizomes are now in bridget’s vegetable garden with tomato wires protecting them from the curious cats
the fourth is in a container on my balcony
they were looking so perky…
hopefully being moved before they managed to put down many roots
and right before a rainy night
will treat them well enough for us to get some tasty hops in the fall!

update #2
dead frog got back to me about hosting a bloggers tour and tasting
unfortunately the brewers are only there on weekdays
too many of the beer bloggers have pesky day jobs during the week
and the whole thing has just fallen apart

update #3
go canucks go!


poor beleagured camra uk gets blasted by brew dog
read the brewdog blog post to hear what they have to say about camra uk’s president vilifying beer bloggers
makes me extra happy that camra bc and camra vancouver love beer bloggers and regularly support us by listing us all on their websites and in newsletters!
and further yay for the local camra chapters accepting kegs as perfectly good vessels of beer distribution, not just casks
that my friends, is support of REAL ale!

dead frog disappointment

oh the disappointment!
i heard back from five vancouver beer bloggers who are interested in doing a field trip to dead frog
which is lovely and wonderful
but i haven’t had a response from dead frog
i emailed the ceo last week
and then their general info email yesterday

i’m getting the feeling that they just aren’t that into me
which is sad, because sam the brewmaster really seemed pleased with himself for coming up with the idea

i will not give up yet
but i gotta tell ya, it ain’t looking good

dead frog field trip

there are more hops in a dead frog
nothing goes down like a cold dead frog
such great catchphrases!

emails are sent
blogs have been commented on
the first steps towards putting together a vancouver beer blogger’s field trip to dead frog in aldergrove have been taken
i’m excited to make this happen!!
i hope the rest of the bloggers feel the same way

even if they don’t…
(for whatever unfathomable to me reason)
it was a great excuse for me to see just how many local beer bloggers there are out there and begin to fantasize about possible meet-ups and outreach and all around community building

and i wonder
after checking out all of their blogs
if they know each other already
because most of them link to each other
i need to get in on that!
i have links to several of them, but will be putting some time into linking to the rest
gotta support my local beer geeks!

dead frog

dead frog brewery, when i was talking to the brewer and owner at the brewery creek bc beer festival
asked if i thought i could get the vancouver area beer bloggers together
for a tour of the brewery and tasting of their brews
with live blogging
i said i thought it sounded great
and now i’m following up with the vancouver area beer bloggers i know of…
i hope they’re all interested too
and that i don’t leave anyone out who shouldn’t be left out…
not that i know them all, but it shouldn’t be too hard to find them all, right?

i love a field trip!

head spinning

my head is spinning with so much going on!
i’m kicking off my vancouver craft beer week in an hour with the dead famous pub crawl
then i have beers to pour at a softball event
workshop sunday morning
followed by hopapalooza sunday afternoon

i am very much looking forward to all the vcbw mayhem
but i’m not sure how i’m going to fit everything else in!
had to do laundry this morning and cook for next week as i’m not sure when i’ll have more than sleeping time at home between now and next sunday

on top of that, i met an s.e.o. expert last night who has my head spinning with all the things i could be doing (or doing differently) on this blog to get more traffic
its heady stuff!
and i don’t want to lose any of it between now and when i have time to implement it…
but when am i going to find the time to implement it?
i’m not even sure when i’m going to find the time to blog about vcbw!

how lucky am i that these are my only laments?
gotta go get into costume now
and make sure the camera battery is charged!