

When enjoying champagne, Bill Murray says:

I like to drink it in a big pint glass with ice. I fill it with ice and I pour the champagne in it, because champagne can never be too cold. And the problem people have with champagne is they drink it and they crash with it, because the sugar content is so high and you get really dehydrated. But if you can get the ice in it, you can drink it supremely cold and at the same time you’re getting the melting ice, so it’s like a hydration level, and you can stay at this great level for a whole weekend. You don’t want to crash. You want to keep that buzz, that bling, that smile.

Then he likes to say a prayer and drink to world peace.

[and the rest of his wisdom can be found on]

link love

you’ll live longer!

another best beers list
this one is the best 365 in the world
but don’t be dismayed when you click the link and the list isn’t there
you actually have to pay for the privilege of reading the list
the link is to a blog post by the guy who wrote the list about why he thinks there does so need to be another best of list

if i didn’t have a pesky day job
i’d be going to kwantlen college

if you are a camra vancouver member
please go vote for the 2014 best ofs!

arguably the best craft beer joints in vancouver
(i don’t like craft at all, so it doesn’t make anywhere near my top 10)

victoria beer week events are up!
march 1 – 8, 2014

a spa where you can bathe in beer?
yup, and it’s not just any beer, it’s dogfish head

great beer ads for tourism portland
like this guy who really likes beer

nordic beer history
ancient grog reborn by dogfish head

parody of hipsters ordering craft beer
you’re not this guy are you??

breweries to watch in 2014

the end is near

not the end of the world, that has been and gone a dozen times already!
no, i’m talking about the end of my cleanse
and related dry month of january

tomorrow i drink!

but here’s the dilemma…
what shall i drink?
what will my first beer be?
ipa, natch
but which one?

it will most likely be central city’s red racer ipa
since that’s what’s in the fridge at work
and that’s where i’ll be headed at 4 tomorrow

what will i follow it with?
will i down them like water after my drought?
will i be smart and ration myself?
what will it taste like?
will it be the best thing i ever tasted?
or will it be too strong for my poor purified taste buds?
i’ll get back to you…

i am totally a paragon of virtue
i am still on the wagon, but attending beer events as if i was drinking!
2 cask nights, a beernesday and the r&b ‘2013 is gonna be great’ brewery party – all in one week
so i thought perhaps i’d take a moment to pat myself on the back
and list the pros of being dry from time to time

1.  the obvious – no hangovers
2.  leading from #1, more hours in the day to get stuff done and have fun
3.  my rings are never tight on my fingers – no retaining water!
4.  my liver gets a well-deserved little break
5.  my taste buds get a chance to recalibrate
6.  people are impressed by my will-power
7.  hopefully those same people will buy me a drink in february
8.  i’ll lose a couple of pounds and fit back into my beer t-shirts
9.  if i had a car, i’d be able to drive it home every night!
and 10.  that first beer on february 1st is going to taste sooooooo good!

smart drinkers

now i have proof that i’m smrt

“Go ahead, order that second beer: You deserve it because you’re so smart. According to the greatest study in the history of science (we’re only slightly exaggerating), smarter people tend to drink “more frequently and in greater quantities” than their duller, drier peers. In two studies conducted in the United States and United Kingdom, children’s intelligence was measured and categorized in five groups ranging from “very dull” to “very bright.” When the study participants were assessed later in life (the Brits checked in from their 20s to their 40s) the “brighter” kids were the ones who emptied more glasses more often. Why? No one is exactly sure yet. Anybody want to drink on it? [Source]

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