good vs evil photos

hopping back in time to last thursday….

here are photos from the good vs evil event at waazubee (part of vancouver craft beer week):

bridget shows off our tickets at the beginning of the night:

the fearless russell brewery reps (featuring the honey lager and the angry scotch ale… their version of good vs evil???):

michelle, the tree rep pouring for the absent crannog rep:

and michelle pouring her own tree beverages:

best display definitely goes to tree…

and here’s the lighthouse rep with bottles of the fisgard 150, he also had a keg of the keeper’s stout:

howe sound may have had my favourite beer of the evening, the limited edition pothole filler oatmeal stout, but they didn’t have much going for them in the presentation department.  i don’t have a photo of their table at all… but this might be the pothole filler (or it could be the angry scotch or the keeper’s stout…):

these are our end of the evening beers… when we resorted to lagers like tree’s hefeweisen, howe sound whitecap wheat and russell’s honey:

this was the only evil we found all night – tasters who ordered full beers just for a taste and then left them all behind.  it was a sad time for the rest of us all until the delightful server took the abandoned beers out of our sight:

and this is me clowning around on my wobbly way home:

good food, good beer, good times… and no hangover.  in good vs evil, this time the good prevailed!

BC Craft Beer Tasting

wow, wish i could remember even half the beers i tried last saturday night at Just Here for the Beer’s BC Craft Beer Tasting at the edgewater casino.

but i’m sure i can only recall about a quarter of them. “free for all beer swill” might have been a more appropriate name for this event.

and before you think i’m besmirching the good name of just here for the beer or vancouver craft beer week, let me just say that this review is fueled by incomplete memory, prompted by already having pub crawled for seven hours prior to arrival at this event.  to say that i had my beer goggles on would be being most generous to me.  so take it all in with however much salt you find necessary.

pros:  the little taster glasses were more than adorable, the lighting, while a bit harsh for such an event lead to really great photos of my friends and i making asses of ourselves, there were more beers available to try than i could possibly get to, everyone was happy, the pourers were friendly and liberal with their measures, fun to be in the casino when the beer ran out, with cafeteria available for any mopping up necessary, theatre seating so if you needed a breather you could still watch all the crazy action.

cons:  very few actual beer reps there, most pourers were just there to pour whichever beer you pointed at, there was no rhyme or reason to a lot of the beer tables (i.e. several breweries at each and then the rest of that brewery at a table elsewhere in the room), some lecherous men in the crowd, felt more like a frat party than a beer tasting.

it was fun though!  i had a great time and so did all of my friends.  and $40 was a very reasonable price for as much beer as you can drink.

would i go again next year?  i don’t think so.

breweries i recall being there:  phillips, russel, dead frog, howe sound

good thing this wasn’t a test.  i so would have failed and had to repeat the course.  which would not have been such a bad thing i guess!

good vs evil

vancouver craft beer week’s good vs evil at waazubee last night was fabulous!

i have all sorts of notes, in varying degrees of legibility…  here they are, for what they’re worth!  photos to follow.

Russell’s Angry Scotch Ale:  nice head.  dark as treacle, but not hazy or opaque.  i can see why it won a bronze medal at the world cup of beer.  malty, toasty, with a little coffee.  delightfully dark.  4.5%

oh boy, full-sized sleeves are gonna kick our fargin’ arses

[i chatted up the rep and he said that the lemon ale that i sampled the night before at st. augustine’s is cleared of all its yeast and that’s why its so un-hefeweisen-like and refreshing.  and probably why i actually liked a wheat beer!]

Howe Sound’s Pothole Filler limited edition oatmeal stout:  9% and 65 IBUs.  a meal in a glass – you could fill a pothole with it.  brown head.  opaque.  lots of coffee.  good thing we had this early so as to work our way back up to hungry for the appys.  went straight to bridget’s head, did not even pass go or collect $200.

[i chatted up the rep and he confirmed that this limited edition of the John Mitchell series is still available at the specialty beer stores in town.  they brewed more litres than usual of it (my notes say 100,000 litres, but who knows if that’s what he actually said!).  the imperial red three beavers is over now, but so popular that it will be back next year.  total eclipse of the hops should be out soon.  it’ll be an imperial ipa with 90 IBUs.  oh, and apparently nigel at the alibi room really loves the pothole filler]

lord, this is the night of the two-sandwich beers!

Lighthouse Keepers Stout:  opaque, lovely brown head, 5.1%.  malty coffe nose, not heavy like a stout – called a stout but touted as a black ale – not a sandwich, for a black opaque bevvie its practically a summer brew.  refreshing… believe it or not.  not unlike the Okanagan Springs black – is this a gateway stout for lager drinkers?

Tree Captivator Doppelbock:  lovely amber colour, fucking refreshing.  an amber somehow is so good with food, and we drank this one with our appy plate.  our food pairing that maybe Tree doesn’t want associated with them:  deep fried salmon nuggets with tartar sauce, followed by brownies with tartar sauce is simply beyond words.  sublime comes close.  we do apologize to Tree – we heart them and we really heart this beer but we are overwhelmed by the food and the drunk night now and can’t give this beer an unbiased review.  frankly we just want to roll around in it.  be a fountain of it.  we are naughty, we will still respect it in the morning.

[good lord, it was 9:00 by this time, 2 hours and 4 beers into the night, that is all i have to say in my defence]

[chatted up our next table neighbours from CAMRA, who told us that Crannog grows their own organic hops, and after the horrible hops decline last year are now supplying many breweries with hops.  yay, organic hops for all!]

major thumbs up to Tree who stood in for Cannery who provided their Apricot Ale and Blackberry Porter for tasting, but didn’t show up to pour it for us.  apparently Tree has been pouring for them all week.  we were told that Cannery only has five employees so that might be why they aren’t showing up, but its still not good form not to hire someone for the event.  again, very nice of Michelle from Tree to be doing her job and helping out a fellow brewer.

[now on to my food rant – please bear in mind that the food was beyond yummy and so very necessary after four beers with two more to go, and i was very happy to see there was only one appy i wasn’t able to eat…also very wonderful was the concept of having my own personal plate of appys delivered to me when i decided i wanted them – stroke of genius!]  disappointed that when i asked for my appy plate to skip the pork and replace with more veggies or seafood that i got a plate with only nachos, guacamole, brownie, cabbage, cucumber and battered salmon nuggets.  no yam fries, no regular fries, no prawns.  no idea why they chose these exclusions.  upon a petulant whine, my two prawns and regular fries were brought to me.

Lighthouse Fisard 150:  bavarian lager out of the bottle.  like stella, better than heineken.  we like it.  refreshing.  not overly carbonated.  bavarians are a little bland if you ask me… am i an ale snob?  probably… but i quite like this lager.  could keep drinking it if there weren’t other flavours to try.

Russell Honey Lager:  clear, headless, so pale golden.  not bad, not standing out – could be we’re not honey drinkers or lager drinkers.  we don’t hate it… we just don’t want 8.  nuff said… moving on

oh no… we have 2 tickets and only 2 wheat beers left to try.  dammit. [neither bridget nor i are fans of the wheat beer]

Howe Sound Whitecap Wheat:  coriander and orange.  distinctinve.  but i may be too drunk to appreciate its subtleties.  its just too much.  too much coriander makes it bitter in a non-hoppy way.  if they tone it down – not get rid of it – i’d like it.

Tree Hefeweisen:  number one hefe in canada.  so cloudy.  did they clear it at all?  no?  yikes.  banana and clove flavours are distinct, but no aroma of same.  i taste yeasty wheat and so i tapped out.  i just don’t like the hefeweisen.

parting thought:  ode to a keg – what do they do with leftovers after an event like this?  leave it at the venue, take it with them to the next event, donate it, what?

and those are my notes from last night.
today i feel fabulous, not at all like i had six full sleeves in three hours!  thank dog for those appys!

vancouver craft beer week

we’re making history here folks – vancouver’s first ever craft brew week is almost upon us!

more than 25 breweries participating at over 20 venues – and no crappy beer!

from the website:  “Vancouver Craft Beer Week is a celebration taking place throughout metropolitan Vancouver from May 10 – 16, 2010. It aims to inspire a broader interest in all aspects of beer in order to cultivate a flourishing craft beer culture in the region. VCBW consists of a series of signature festival events and independently-organized satellite events in numerous venues around town.”

there are fabulous events all week long, some of which still have tickets available, or don’t require tickets.  delightfully for the event, but not for those of us who don’t yet have tickets, several events at this inaugural event are sold out.

the night I am going to cry about missing out on because its now sold out is the women and beer night on thursday.  along with amazing food and beer pairings they are also featuring the following speakers:

  • Aly Tomlin, Operation manager, R&B Brewing
  • Becky Julseth, Co-owner, Saltspring Island Ales
  • Claire Connolly, Brewer, Turning Point Brewery
  • Leslie Fenn, Owner and Director, Howe Sound Brewing
  • Patt Dyck, Co-Owner, Cannery Brewing
  • Rebecca Kneen, Co-owner and assistant brewer, Crannog Ales

i can’t believe i didn’t hear about this amazing event sooner.  i might just have to go and see if someone doesn’t show up and i can get in… or maybe i’ll get tickets to another event and drown my sorrows in an equally delightful night of beer and food.

i do have tickets to the four beers and a funeral pub crawl on saturday afternoon, and the craft beer tasting that night – that’s 12 whole hours of beer – yay!  i just hope that i can remain clear-headed enough to remember each of the beers i am going to try.

i am so excited for this blessed event.  how can i distract myself until next week?

happy birthday to me!

happy birthday to me!

among many other fabulous gifts from my nearest and dearest (including beers i will proceed to review as i manage to drink them) i received this lovely beer glass:

(that says Howe Sound Brewing Devil’s Elbow India Pale Ale if you couldn’t actually read it)

yay!  i love beer glasses!  i have quite the collection started.  notice i said started!


it may be easter, but the hops i’m most interested in are not those being performed by bunnies. i am currently obsessed by the myriad of hops options in beer. beer, nectar of the gods. proof that god loves us. improver of all social situations.

now, don’t get me wrong, i love beer, pretty much all beers. but currently i have an overwhelming desire to consume hops by the kettle-full. i just can’t get enough of the bitter little buggers.

more detail to follow, but my current favourite examples of hoppy goodness are the following:

Phillips Brewing Company’s Amnesiac Double IPA
Southern Tier Brewing Company’s Unearthly Imperial IPA
Granville Island Brewery’s Brockton Oval IPA
Howe Sound Brewery’s Bailout Bitter