cask night

i made it out to the railway club’s cask night on tuesday
where i imbibed in a couple of pints of the fresh-hopped granville island esb

it was fragrant and delicious and a definite crowd-pleaser

i decided to follow it up with a mixing experiment
phillips ginger ale mixed with russell lemon ale
it was a refreshing summer brew
i highly recommend it!

hangover remedy

during this week of many painful mornings
i wonder what people’s hangover remedies are

me, i usually drink a schwack of water and choke down as greasy a breakfast as i can stomach
followed by lots more water and more food shortly afterwards
and if i’m feeling particularly masochistic, i take myself for a run between the water and the breakfast and sweat it out
which works like a charm, but feels like torture while you’re doing it!

last night, monica suggested putting lemon in your water
she says the lemon gets the liver going and processing all the night before’s excesses
could that be why i felt better after having lemon tea yesterday morning?