monday night football

the beers consumed at this week’s monday night football fest:

the rogue was from last year and was pretty sedimenty
thank goodness the bc relaunch of rogue is next week and i can get some more recent juniper pale ale
it was a hit with everyone, even with the sediment
hope they still like it when it tastes like it should!

both the lone wolf and the lucky 13 went over well
so far I haven’t taken anything to mnf that people hated
i love having non-beer-obsessed friends willing to try whatever i bring along for them!

red truck

i hit up a birthday celebration at st. augustine’s on wednesday evening
and got to try the red truck limited release ipa!
(as featured in scout magazine)

when i first got to st. a’s the staff were not aware of the ipa being on the premises
after i told them it had been tweeted about they searched around and asked enough boss-type people until the keg was unearthed and hooked up

during that time i consoled myself with a deschutes inversion
defintely my go-to ipa
and a staunch member of my revolving evolving top ten beers list

i am very happy that the red truck ipa was found!
the juxtaposition of malts and hops, sweetness and bitterness
was like a perfect tango on my tongue
i really hope there is some left in the keg on sunday when i next get to stop by st. a’s

couldn’t remember if i’d had the lagunita’s lucky 13 before
so i ordered me one
“plenty of light roasted malt to keep it rich and mega-dosed with loads of hoppy – sweet and spicy amarillo goodness to keep it on the edge”
the nose on this one is amazing
i want to bottle that smell, err, well, you know, as an air freshener not a beer
anyway… very floral tasting
hello amarillo!
not gonna crack my top ten
but i would definitely have it again

i wanted to try the brooklyn brewery’s brewmaster’s reserve “the concoction” next
but alas, they ran out just then
(“based off a delightful scotch-based cocktail called the penicillin and combining peat smoked malt, minced ginger, lemon juice and wildflower honey”)
bummer, man

instead i went for the moylan’s nitro e.s.b.
“an english-syel pale ale.  we chose to deliver this beer with a blended nitrogen and co2 gas mixture.  this delivery method provides a smooth and silky texture to the mouth without compromising a balanced hop profile”
definitely english style, very smooth
almost too creamy
interesting end to a much hoppier beginning
but paired much better with the ice cream birthday cake than any of the earlier beers would have!
might have one again some time