customer service

where, oh where, has good customer service gone?
especially at places i keep trying to drink beer?
you’d think that with all the competition out there, high odds of failure and the sort, that there would be a push to go back to the good old days of satisfying customers

i have had a couple of highly unsatisfying moments that i just can’t keep quiet about
i hate giving bad reviews
i usually go out of my way to avoid doing so
but who am i really helping by doing that?
not me, not you and ultimately not the establishment either
because these are not laments about individual servers
some of whom are excellent and others of whom really need to up their game, but that is a very different rant from this one
no, this one is about management

so, the last bit of preamble before i finally jump into it:
i worked in retail back in highschool
but i have never waited tables or slung beer for a living
maybe i don’t know what it’s like on the other side of the equation
but i do know how little it takes to change a situation from bad to worse, or from bad to better
and believe me, if you do the latter, you have a customer for life

example one:
i’m at st. augustine’s to watch some cfl football
it’s a saturday afternoon and the place is pretty dead
i am asked to switch tables because they are only going to show my football game on a different television
so you know that they know we’re watching the game
we eat, we drink, we watch football
it’s a close game, it’s going to come down to the final plays to know who wins
but it’s 7:00 p.m. now and all the televisions get turned to a pre-season hockey game
that hasn’t even started yet
the anthem hasn’t even been sung yet
sure, it’s a canucks bar
they always play the games
but are you kidding me?  it’s a sports bar with paying customers watching other games
surely you can leave a tv or two on the football game until it finishes its final minutes
nope, not st. augustine’s
when i jump up to agitatedly ask the bartender to turn just one television back to the game that is in its final gripping seconds, i am told to calm down

that happened back in october
i still haven’t calmed down about it
and i haven’t been back to st. a’s since
i probably never will watch another game there
i won’t go so far as to say i’ll never drink there again because hey, they often have launches and tap takeovers and i love my beer too much to cut off my nose about this
believe me, though, that i am happily spending my beer budget other places these days

example two:
it’s grey cup weekend
malone’s steps up to be the hamilton ticat “house” for the weekend
they open for brunch at 10:00 a.m. on saturday
because the vanier cup (that hamilton’s mcmaster university is playing in) kicks off at 10:00 a.m.
apparently the management at malones thinks that it will be sufficient to have two bartenders, three servers and some folks in the kitchen to handle the brunch
shockingly, the place is slammed at 10:00, the kitchen gets so backed up they stop taking food orders for several hours, there’s no chance at getting table service for drinks, the line up at the bar is many people deep…
if people weren’t so eager to watch the game, i think most would have left it was such a gong-show

then at their regular opening time a couple more staff arrive
but it is still nowhere near enough staff as the place continues to fill up with folks who aren’t aware that they’re going to have to wait a long time for beers and forever for food
malones starts a line-up outside
and put a very tiny server on as the line keeper
no one respects her and people just keep on walking in
the place is way over capacity and the beer is even slower in flowing
and as for food to mop it up with?
we had to go over to burger king next door

malones could have made so much money that weekend
if only they had hired enough staff to keep things flowing
they’re lucky the inspectors didn’t come by and bust them for being over capacity
and that no underfed drunkards got into fights
oh, and the people next to us who walked out on their bill?  i’m betting they weren’t the only ones who did so unintentionally or otherwise
i just hope management realized it was their fault and didn’t take it out of the few brave servers’ pay

example three:
i’m at mamie taylor’s for the first time
i’m impressed by the beer list, the restaurant is beautiful, i’m feeling really positively about the place
then the mix-ups start happening
the server comes by to deliver food
food that she insists is under my name
i haven’t ordered food yet
yes you did, no i didn’t
YES, you did, we had a conversation about it
i’m very sorry, but while those fried green tomatoes look damned good, i really, really didn’t order them and i haven’t had a conversation with you about anything
so she turns to the woman next to me and insists that it was her who she had a conversation with about them
because she is so insistent, and they do look good, we offer to take them anyway
still shaking her head at us, the server takes the food away
she comes in our general direction several times after that, but doesn’t ask us if we do want food or anything to fill our still very empty glasses with
someone else at our table manages to get her attention
i order another beer and ask if the sablefish gnocchi is meat-less
i realize it is a fish dish, i just want to make sure there’s no other meat in it
she doesn’t know
i ask if she can check, and if it is vegetarian that i will order it
the woman next to me orders a drink and a burger
the server comes back a couple of minutes later to confirm whether it was red or white wine she ordered, and that it was the burger
okay, seems like she’s a bit frazzled
it happens
she tells us that she got some bad news and that she’s preoccupied
we smile sympathetically and she leaves
but then she comes back over to tell me that the chef is making me a vegetarian version of the gnocchi
say what?  no, i ordered a fish dish because i wanted the fish
i just didn’t want other meat in it
she looks at me like i have grown a second head and am trying to fuck with her
i am now feeling very uncomfortable about my whole experience
and shaming myself for being so “difficult” in wanting to know what’s in my food
a minute later a man comes to deliver our drinks
he puts down the glass of wine and when i say that the beer is for me, he says that he is almost afraid to give it to me
um, what does that mean?
how does one react to such a statement?
apparently you’ve been having difficulties he says to me
actually, it is your server who seems to be having them, she got some bad news and is having trouble focussing
that shouldn’t affect the quality of the service, he says
no, it shouldn’t, we agree, but it appears to be happening and we’re not trying to be difficult, it’s just that we didn’t order the fried green tomatoes and i didn’t order a vegetarian gnocchi
otherwise, we’re really quite happy, thanks
he looks at us like we’re being particularly difficult and moves off

at this point, i want to cry
or crawl under the table
i have no idea what they’re going to bring me to eat, and i dare not do anything about it if it isn’t right
i’m with people i don’t know very well, so laughing the whole thing off is hard
i don’t have any idea how it all went so sideways or if there’s a blessed thing i can do to make it alright
really, could the earth just do me the favour of swallowing me up?

when the food does come
it’s right, it’s delicious and i finish the whole bowl
some semblance of a festive evening is restored
but i don’t think i ever want to go back there
i don’t want to feel that shame again

what do i want from this rant?
nothing really, just needed to get off my chest that there are places i don’t plan to visit again
not because of their food or their beer list or their decor
but because i felt like they didn’t care whether i enjoyed my experience there
and if they don’t care, why should i spend my limited beer dollars there?
i don’t need to be pandered to, i just want to feel welcome


i am slow off the mark, but here are some oktoberfest photos from malone’s last saturday
from other people’s cameras of course
i’m not nearly on top of my game enough to have uploaded mine yet!

all of the above by rodney gitzel
the two below are from the camera of christie little

and these are from stacy buster’s camera:


Vancouver, BC

Oktoberfest & Harvestfest – 2 events, 1 day!

Malone’s Urban Drinkery, Saturday October 15th, 12 – 6pm

The Oktoberfest will be taking place in the main room, as the fun continues onto the lounge hall with Harvestfest. It’s $25 for entry ($20 for CAMRA members) which includes your 6oz taster glass and 3 *bonus tokens.* There will be a “CAMRA members only” cask available from 12pm-2pm exclusively. $1 for additional tokens and 35% of all proceeds from drink tokens will be donated to the Greater Vancouver Food Bank. Tickets will be available to purchase on-line on September 13th at 11am or in person at Malone’s. So don’t wait! Our last event sold out well in advance!

cask night

made it to cask night at the railway club on tuesday
it was a dry-hopped with tomahawk pale ale by russell brewing

i honestly have no idea how i feel about this cask
definitely drinkable
some haze, nice head, amazing nose
tastes like a pale ale that has been dry-hopped
you know, hoppy and malty
but there’s just something about it that i can’t make up my mind about
do i love it? do i hate it?  am i indifferent to it?
i have no idea
how’s that for a review?
that’s what i’m here for folks – clarity and articulation
yup, umm hmm
but all was not lost
i kept drinking
i thought that was the best way to deal with my weird taste buds
had a phillips hop circle at the railway
then lagunitas ipa and acme ipa at malones
followed by central city red racer at rogue
(sounds a bit like the pub crawl for ipa day doesn’t it?
but nope, just any old tuesday night in vancouver…)
my palate recalibrated itself and all was right in my world
thank dog!


i know ipa day was last week
but i’m a bit slow on the photo upload, okay?!

here is the fabulous ryan and myself in the shirts we made for our pub crawl
adorable aren’t we?

first stop of the crawl was yaletown brewpub
where we enjoyed iain hill’s dry-hopped with simcoe cask of brick & beam ipa
yaletown hosts a cask night every thursday, tapping at 4

yaletown brewpub

we also had the extra treats made for us by lundy and ryan
lundy made ipa bread with deschutes inversion
ryan made his now famous ipa peanut brittle, this batch with hopworks ace of spades

lundy and the ipa bread

ryan and the ipa peanut brittle

second stop was the railway club
where they had specials on bottles of howe sound devil’s elbow ipa, russell ip’eh and r&b hoppelganger…
and phillips hop circle on tap
i had the hop circle
the railway also celebrated international beer day on august 5th with bands and many beer specials
and has a weekly cask night on tuesdays, tapping at 5

railway club

the third stop was the newly crafted malones urban drinkery
where we had a big high-top table reserved for us
all ipa taps were on special
i had the acme ipa
and we were given plates of nachos for the table


fourth stop was steamworks brewpub
where we had space in the lounge reserved for us
i had the ipa… but wish i’d had the raspberry instead
the ipa is fine, but not as hoppy as the others i had been drinking so it didn’t thrill me, unfortunately


our final stop was at rogue kitchen and wet-bar
where we had a whole room reserved for us
four ipas on the rotating tap
and appy specials
i had a flight of the four ipas on rotation:  central city red racer ipa, driftwood fat tug, crannog insurrection and moylan’s ipa
delicious, every last one of them!

rogue kitchen and wet bar

the crawl was a whole lotta fun
and i hope we make it an annual thing!
thanks to the beer wench for coming up with the idea of ipa day
thanks to ryan for helping me plan our vancouver celebration
and thanks to the pubs for hosting us so well!

see you november 3 for #StoutDay!!


wow, this is my 900th post
i sure am chatty!

only two days away from international ipa day
please, if you’re in vancouver
come join in on the pub crawl!!!

4 – 5:45 at yaletown brewpub (with a cask of iain’s ipa dry-hopped with simcoe)

6 – 6:45 at railway club (with ipa on special)

7 – 7:45 at malones (with ipa specials and an appetizer for the group)

8 – 8:45 at steamworks

9 onwards at rogue wetbar (with ipa specials on crannog insurrection, moylan’s ipa, central city ipa and driftwood fat tug)

no tickets
no muss, no fuss
just show up at the venue(s) at the appointed time and join in on the ipa adoration
hop aboard, they’re expecting us!
let’s make this an event to remember

the updated updated update on IPA Day

the ipa day pub crawl is totally figured out!

4 – 5:45 at yaletown brewpub (with a cask of iain’s ipa)

6 – 6:45 at railway club (with ipa specials)

7 – 7:45 at malones (with ipa specials and an appetizer for the group)

8 – 8:45 at steamworks

9 onwards at rogue wetbar (with ipa specials on crannog insurrection, mooylan’s ipa, central city ipa and driftwood fat tug)

no tickets
no muss, no fuss
just show up at the venue(s) at the appointed time and join in on the ipa adoration
hop aboard, they’re expecting us!