huffington post

the huffington post on beer:

10 craft beers you should try right now
too many belgians on this list for me to get all the way through it
but i gots to agree with having the stone sublimely self-righteous american black ale!!

top 50 beers in america
are your favourites on the list?
pliny the elder is there!  its number one!
(and much further down are ska’s modus hoperandi and green flash’s west coast ipa!!)
from zymurgy magazine – american homebrewer’s association

brewery creek u.s. tasting night

i got stuck at work late last night
(gotta pay for the beer somehow!)
and so didn’t make it over to the drill hall until 6:00
which was a full two hours after the doors opened
fortunately the first person i saw inside was cowboy dan who quickly pointed me in the direction of the last bottle of hopworks’ ace of spades
then and only then did i check my coat
and start reading the program!

hopworks brewmaster ben

danny also steered me over to ska’s milk stout, which he suggested could be a blog post all on its own
oh to have that kind of time on my hands
and his way with beer description!
he was right, its a thing of beauty and a joy to imbibe
and i told two friends and they told two friends and so on and so on…
i also very much enjoyed their modus hoperandi ipa and special esb

shipyard was dan’s other suggestion as not to be missed
i had the xxxx ipa
and as at hopscotch, i’m just not a big fan
i guess i really am a northwest hops kinda gal

my plan of attack was to hit all the breweries we can’t get up here regularly
those were:
ska brewing co
uncommon brewers
buckbean brewing co.
fx matt brewing co
alltech’s lexington brewing co.
shipyard brewing co
stone (although i hear we’re getting them soon!)
lexington was out of their kentucky bourbon barrel ale, so i was out of luck there
buckbean had their tule duck red ale and original orange blossom ale, so i tried a half pour of each of those… and maybe i blasted my taste buds with the ipas i’d already had… but i found the orange blossom to be like orange pop and the duck to just be weird
uncommon had three to pick from, i went with the golden state ale and it was okay
a little uninspired by my trip to the unheard of before, i went for an old reliable
stone was out of the arrogant bastard, so i had their ipa
which was fabulous of course
deschutes had the hop henge on tap in their crazy beermobile
so i had to have me some

i managed to hit lagunitas just as the last bottle of ipa was being drained
cheers to the marketing manager

beer was running very low by 8:00 so i abandoned my plan
and just went for what i could get!

i manged to get moylan’s irish style red ale – lovely
and green flash’s imperial ipa – which i don’t love…

and then it was over
i wish i’d gotten there sooner and tried more beers!
must get to the b.c. one on time today!