yaletown brewpub

yaletown brewpub will be adding 4 extra casks as part of their vancouver craft beer week celebration! and there will be a feature menu of craft beer inspired items as well.

Thursday May 29th: 4pm: Pale ale krausened with hefeweizen infused with Citrus

Friday May 30th: 4pm: Oud Bruin
Saturday May 31st: 11:30am: Belgian Dubbel infused with Port and aged on oak chips

Thursday June 5th: 4pm: IPA dry hopped with Galaxy
Friday June 6th: 4pm: Cherry Wheat
Saturday June 7th: 11:30am IPA dry hopped with Summer

alibi room 500

not gonna lie to you, my head was hurtin’ this mornin’
the alibi 500 knocked the stuffin’ outta me!

photo credit: rodney gitzel

here we are enjoying a glass of iain hill’s oud bruin
the nail in the coffin of my feeling good this morning!

can i even remember what all i tried last night?
nope, but i did write it all down on my 500th beer list, which i inconveniently left at home
highlights include: four winds radler, lighthouse numbskull and brassneck / parallel 49 collaboration cereal killer
i really wanted the new belgium lips of faith terroir, but it wasn’t cold enough to serve yesterday
i am debating whether my poor head can survive a return trip for it…

on the coast

i always run out of time during my radio spot on cbc’s on the coast!
six minutes just isn’t enough time for me to say all i want to say on a subject
(which is good, because i can save up all that unsaid stuff and have topics for 100 more shows…)

i am going to use this, my lovely blog, to finish saying what i didn’t have time for on the air
(and i will try to do it in a more timely manner next time!)

what makes a good beer joint?
imho it doesn’t matter what style of beer joint it is, fancy, british, dive, restaurant, brewpub, pub…
these four things NEED to be present to get repeat beer loving customers:
clean lines
interesting beer choices
food for pairing with beers
knowledgeable staff

if i hate your decor i may not have my birthday party at your establishment, but it won’t stop me from coming back if the beer’s good
if the beer is off, i definitely won’t be back
if there are few to no craft beer choices, i won’t willingly be back
if the food is lousy, you won’t be my beer establishment of choice
if the staff is unhelpful or not at least trying to be helpful about the beer choices, you’ll be way down my list of watering holes

best practice is to clean beer lines every two weeks
more often if they are longer than 25 feet
most people i have talked to clean their lines once a month
and i have heard horror stories of places that never clean their lines
guess which places i won’t drink draught beer at?

and now for my sour beer suggestions:

cantillon kreik – $17.95 at legacy liquor store, $17.55 at firefly fine wines and ales
lindemans kreik, framboise, peche and cassis – $7.85  and $12.35 at legacy liquor store and firefly fine wines and ales

oud bruin by iain hill of yaletown brewpub – only to be found on tap at yaletown brewpub and alibi room
imperial flanders red by storm brewing – currently on tap at st. augustine’s
mad bruin by driftwood – 650ml bottles at specialty liquor stores
i found this one a little bit young, why not buy two bottles?  one for now and one to cellar for a few months to see how it matures!