on the coast

i’ll be on cbc radio one at 5:50 today
chatting with stephen quinn on his award-winning show on the coast
about beer and cheese pairing
and why that’s the theme you should choose for your holiday party this year
(if you’re hosting one – and why you should hope to get an invite to one if you’re not!)
88.1 fm in vancouver

i am totally a paragon of virtue
i am still on the wagon, but attending beer events as if i was drinking!
2 cask nights, a beernesday and the r&b ‘2013 is gonna be great’ brewery party – all in one week
so i thought perhaps i’d take a moment to pat myself on the back
and list the pros of being dry from time to time

1.  the obvious – no hangovers
2.  leading from #1, more hours in the day to get stuff done and have fun
3.  my rings are never tight on my fingers – no retaining water!
4.  my liver gets a well-deserved little break
5.  my taste buds get a chance to recalibrate
6.  people are impressed by my will-power
7.  hopefully those same people will buy me a drink in february
8.  i’ll lose a couple of pounds and fit back into my beer t-shirts
9.  if i had a car, i’d be able to drive it home every night!
and 10.  that first beer on february 1st is going to taste sooooooo good!

wine tasting

just to mix it up, i went to a wine tasting house party on monday night
the concept was simple, everyone was assigned a varietal to bring
all the bottles got a number and their labels hidden in a paper bag
everyone tries the wines, compares them to the tasting notes and makes their best guess as to its identity

i only drink white wine
the red gives me most unfortunate migraines
so i only sampled five of the eleven wines on offer
i instantly got the gewurztraminer, the sauvignon blanc and the reisling
but i mixed up the chardonnay and the zoignier
that was still good enough to come second place percentage wise in the guessing
and i won wine pairing and cheese facts playing cards!
go me!