
new and exciting beers at legacy liquor store in vancouver:

Kozel Premium Czech Lager – $3.25
Kozel Premium has a pleasant, balanced taste and a mildly malty and hoppy aroma. At 4.8% ABV, this perfectly sparkling pale lager alcohol regularly wins awards both at home and abroad.
Parallel 49 Salty Scot Sea Salted Caramel Scotch Ale – $7.55
“We put the kettle on for a long boil and this Scottish wee heavy is what we got.”
A rich caramel is complemented by sea salt for a complex, intense flavour. How can you go wrong? You Can’t.
Deschutes Brewery Chasin’ Freshies Fresh Hop IPA – $11.35
Like fresh powder, it’s a seize the moment type thing. At harvest, we rush Goschie farms cascade hops fresh from bine to kettle. Not any cascades, mind you, but an heirloom strain, from a single field restored from the original rhizome. 


update #1:
the centennial hops have been moved to their new new home
three of the rhizomes are now in bridget’s vegetable garden with tomato wires protecting them from the curious cats
the fourth is in a container on my balcony
they were looking so perky…
hopefully being moved before they managed to put down many roots
and right before a rainy night
will treat them well enough for us to get some tasty hops in the fall!

update #2
dead frog got back to me about hosting a bloggers tour and tasting
unfortunately the brewers are only there on weekdays
too many of the beer bloggers have pesky day jobs during the week
and the whole thing has just fallen apart

update #3
go canucks go!

centennial hops

check out my hops!

i was fortunate enough to get gifted with four rhizomes of centennial hops, and bridget has a garden in which to plant them!  yay!

unfortunately i am going to have to move them very shortly – her neighbours just informed her that they are taking out the chainlink fence and replacing it with a cedar one.  pretty, but i fear they will step on my rhizomes while putting the fence up… and the cedar will be solid and block about half of the days worth of sun… dammit!