food pairing dinners

next week appears to be the week of the beer and food pairing dinners in vancouver!

me, i am breaking cleanse to attend the dinner at rogue on tuesday
and get me some red racer!
(gee, i hope they bring toques for all of us…)

from the camra vancouver newsletter:
Central Bistro will host one of the three beer pairing dinners happening around town this week. Central Bistro‘s five course Howe Sound Brewmaster’s Dinner takes place Tuesday, January 18th at 7:00pm. Also on January 18th is Rogue Kitchen & Wetbar‘s four course Central City Beer Dinner. Maenam and BeerThirst have also teamed up to host a five course beer dinner highlighting BeerThirst’s craft beer portfolio on Monday, January 17th (two seatings).

deschutes beer pairing dinner

wednesday, november 17, 2010
rogue kitchen and wetbar
deschutes brewery dinner
beer pairings created by chef cory chapman

pre-drink:  hop trip seasonal
fresh hopped pale ale (part of their bond street series, an ode to the hop harvest)
lovely, enjoy the fresh hops, but its not nearly hoppy enough to drink after warming up with an inversion ipa!

course one:  mirror pond
ale cured arctic char gravlax with dungeness crab fritter, fingerling potato chips, bitter greens, horseradish cream

mirror pond features cascade hops, by the whole flower
and pairs wonderfully with fish
(factoid:  the mirror pond began as a seasonal)

course two:  jubilale
carmelized onion soup with rich porcini broth, roasted mushrooms, gruyere crouton

i don’t like the mushroom, so i just had the crostini, which was delicious
the jubilale was a malty change from all the hoppy beers prior
still quite a few hops in there, and yay, no vanilla
no cheap gimmicks in this winter ale
love the chicory!
now this is what a winter ale should be!
(factoid:  the artwork for the seasonal jubilale changes every year
this is the first beer that deschutes bottled)

course three:  inversion ipa
ancho braised beer short ribs with rainbow chard, baby turnip, crispy gnocchi, braising jus
(or for the pescetarian, lobster gnocchi with baby turnip)

the inversion is ambrosia if you ask me
so incredibly hoppy without smacking you with too much bitterness
paired quite nicely with the lobster gnocchi
which was quite delicious until it got kinda salty by the end of the bowl
(factoid:  the inversion is the fastest growing beer at deschutes)

course four:  black butte porter
porter infused chocolate cake with mocha custard and whipped cream

porter, so rich, so thick, so malty
perfect with chocolate cake
and that mocha custard was to die for
that i would cross the sahara for!
(factoid:  the black butte is the #1 porter in the US)

the food was incredible
so delicious!
and perfectly paired with the beers
and all for a mere $35
which included a black butte porter glass and leather coaster to take home

this dinner made me want to go back to rogue every time they have one of these tasting dinners
great food, great beer, great bargain
wonderful company
and a lovely parting gift!

head to head

i feel the need to state that i love both st. augustine’s and rogue
and the alibi room
and pivo
hell, i even enjoy the cambie from time to time!

there are not enough words of praise in the world for me to lavish upon the establishments of this fair city (and everywhere i’m lucky enough to travel) who serve the craft beer, who offer up the choice of flavours and diversity beyond the big brewers (or evil empires, your choice).

my “reviews” are simply meant to be informative (and opinionated) and offer up potentially undiscovered gems to all y’all
but sometimes i can’t help doing a little head to head comparison of my chosen watering holes!

rogue vs. st. augustine’s
gastown vs. commercial drive
4 oz samplers vs. 6 oz samplers

rogue is close to my current office
st. augustine’s is close to my house

rogue has very nice women’s bathrooms
st. augustine’s are passable

rogue has fabulous food
st. augustine’s has lovely food

rogue is fancy schmancy
st. augustine’s is not, but they have a clarifying tank!

rogue has several taps
st. augustine’s has 40+ taps
st. augustine’s

rogue is an all around restaurant bar
st. augustine’s will serve you other things, but their passion is beer
st. augustine’s

rogue makes you smoke outside the station, among the panhandlers
st. augustine’s lets you smoke out front, where only sometimes panhandlers roam and you can still see your table (and any beer you haven’t yet drunk)
(smoking is bad for you – don’t smoke!)
st. augustine’s

rogue has lots of big-screen televisions
st. augustine’s has lots of big-screen televisions

rogue sometimes has special taps
st. augustine’s always has rotating taps as well as more permanent fixtures
st. augustine’s

rogue does not have casks (that i am aware of)
st. augustine’s has monday night cask nights
st. augustine’s

my ex frequents st. augustine’s
my ex does not go to rogue

i would not wear my sports uniforms to rogue
i do wear my sports uniforms to st. augustine’s

final tally?
like barbie says, math is hard!

what it really comes down to for me is that sometimes i feel like a nut
sometimes i don’t

rogue return

i went back to rogue the other night
and decided to revisit my all hops all the time sampler
just to see if anything had changed for me and my taste buds

however, they had replaced the dogfish 60 minute ipa with the pike place ipa, so it wasn’t an exact replica of the original hop-off
it was still a wonderfully hoppy good time though!

i think i may like the pike place better than the tree
i say might, because the two beers pour exactly the same in the glass and i’m not altogether confident that my server knew for sure which was which
i believe the pike place had a maltier finish than the hophead, and i found that most satisfying

of course the central city esb and the rogue yellow snow ipa are delicious and delightful
and that night was no exception
i enjoyed them both thoroughly!


rogue – the vancouver kitchen and wet bar, not the oregon brewery!

i had the distinct pleasure of hanging out with my good buddies at rogue a couple of weeks ago – how time flies, i’m only now finding a moment to blog about it!

shhh, don’t tell them at rogue, but their samplers are bigger and cheaper than st. augustine’s!  keep that one under your hat – we don’t want them to change anything!  4 four ounce tasters for 5.99!!!  and the promise that if you don’t like your food, or don’t think its worth the price they’re charging, you don’t have to pay that price, or any price, for it.  what a concept!

located right in waterfront station, its a large space divided into smaller sections to feel more intimate.  we keep sitting right by the bar, but i’m sure the other rooms are great too!

and they have a fabulous selection of taps.

not just beers on draught, but the pulls too!

local, imports, they’ve got plenty of both!

great decor, lovely bathrooms… and the food is fabulous!  you’ll pay full price, happily!  this place is a winner!

we began with a pitcher of storm’s highland scottish ale.  talk about local, storm brews this stuff right down the street from my house!  an old favourite of bridget’s and mine, we started our night on a hearty note!

after the pitcher was done, i moved on to a sampler pack.  i decided to go with a head-to-head ipa/esb showdown:  central city’s esb vs. tree’s hop head ipa vs. dogfish’s 60 minute ipa vs. rogue’s (the brewery this time) yellow snow ipa.

good lord, i couldn’t pick a favourite!  so much hoppy goodness!

the central city esb is a well-balanced little number – so well balanced even hop-hater amanda likes it!
[“the label has a hot girl on a bike, but you get it on tap so you don’t get to see her”]
the hop head is clear and bitter – is that a juniper nose?
[“it’s kind of a big deal.  google it.  no really, pull out your smart phone & google it.  it’s won awards & stuff”]
the dogfish is clear, well-balanced and as i kept going back and forth between all four, seemed a little bland in comparison to the bitterness of the hop head and yellow snow – can you say session?
[“the defacto session beer for hardcore hop heads!”]
the yellow snow is cloudy and hoppy and fruitily bitter
[“write your name in this IPA you rogue you”]

bridget skipped the taster and just went for a pint of her favourite, crannog’s back hand of god.
[“ever felt the back hand of god?… it has a coffee cocoa presence.”]

amanda decided to mix her sampler up a bit and not go with all fruity or wheaty beers.  she had her favourite pyramid audacious apricot [“pyramids = cool, apricots = tasty.  pyramids + apricots = audacious”], driftwood’s white bark wheat [“quaffably orange… as it should be.”] (and now for the mixing it up part) howe sound’s honey pale ale [“brewed in recognition of the sea to sky regions highest peak”] and crannog’s bogtrotter brown ale [“it doesn’t taste how a bog smells… we promise!”].

amanda ended up preferring the pale ale over the wheat ale and wonders if this is a turning point in her palate?  she also liked the brown ale “quite nice, most def has the malt taste and the faint taste of molasses… with the nut aftertaste, perhaps for now only the taster” size, not a whole pint.

also among us that night was a non-beer drinker – anathema i know, but she’s a good egg so we put up with her non-beer drinking ways.  she went for some of the cocktails, and let us all have sips.  the cougar juice is tasty, but not recommended for a pitcher – tooooo sweet.  the seductive sangria has more alcohol than the other jugs, but was sadly disappointing.  the satan’s angel martini was tasty, but too sweet for a second one.  the wine gum martini was heavenly – so much lychee goodness!  that one could be dangerous cuz it goes down a little too well!

we all had an irish car bomb to end our sojourn at rogue – even non-beer drinking tamara.  yummy!  tamara would have even had another one – and wanted “mad props for that guinness man, and whiskey!”  i tell ya, hang out with us long enough, and we’ll drive you to drink beer!