link love

just a wee one this week as i’m on vacation!

beer flavoured jelly bellies?

craft beer by the number?
is it really the way you should choose which beer to order?

five perfect pints in vancouver
nothing you didn’t already know in this one
but it’s nice to see non-beer specific publications espousing craft beer

not a link
just some news from spinnakers:
“Not long now until you can get your Spinnakers fill at the Victoria airport. You’ll find us just past security in the departure hall. We’ll be the ones with 12 taps of Spinnakers beer, a locally focused wine and spirits menu and a full menu infused with our signature Spinnakers’ style, as well as Grab and Go items to take on board.”

i’m ba-ack!

i’m back from my amazing week in tofino

i spent an awful lot of time at tofino brewing filling my growlers with hoppin’ cretin ipa and reign in blonde and tuff session
(and then drinking them)
on the way home we stopped overnight in victoria
we stayed at swans, drank at garrick’s head pub (10 new taps!!)
where i had lighthouse 15th anniversary amber ale, elysian men’s room red and driftwood fat tug

next morning we got growler fills at lighthouse (switchback) and driftwood (fat tug)
(such incredibly friendly staff at both places),
stopped in at spinnakers for a pint,
and came home in time for me to not be on cbc radio on tuesday
due to a mix-up it just didn’t happen
i apologize if you tuned in and were disappointed
i was most disappointed not to talk extreme beers
silver-lining, i have my topic all ready for september 3rd

tuesday evening i attended camra vancouver’s hops 101 class at steamworks
and got to try the brand spanking new parallel 49 crane kick pilsner (a refreshingly hoppy pilsner) and snap, crackle, hop imperial ipa (those new zealand hops sure pack a fruity punch) and loved them both
(note to self:  buy several bottles of each asap)
after which i went to the alibi room
where i was too late for the driftwood bird of prey
and did not get my name picked for one of the 40 zwanze day tickets

last night i finally made it over to 33 acres to check out their tasting room
its a really beautiful space
and the beers are great too!
33 acres of ocean – hoppy pale ale
33 acres of life – california common
33 acres of sunshine – a french saison – this seasonal won’t last much longer, so if you haven’t had it yet, you’d better get on it
then to the cascade room for some gigantic high fidelity, a hoppy golden ale that packs quite a whallop of abv
i’m actually looking forward to a night off from beer tonight
my poor body needs a little rest and regeneration

ipa day

happy ipa day!!

what is ipa day?
silly rabbit, its one of the best days of the year!

what’s going on in vancouver?
pink pints is hosting a cask of four winds mango ipa at rogue on broadway from 6-9 p.m.
the donnelly group kicks off its 30 days of ipa
yaletown brewpub has its weekly cask night

what’s going on in victoria?

if you need some guidance on choosing which fabulous bc ipa to drink, jan zeschky has you covered!

and finally, here’s the ipa infographic that the beer wench had some friends of her create
(Gina Schuland and Rebecca Selkregg of Deschutes Brewery)



okay, ball was fun last night
i’m just a lazy ass for wishing it had been rained out…
and if we didn’t have our finals tournament on july 21st, you know that i’d be hopping on a ferry over to victoria to attend hopoxia

It’s back!! Our 2nd annual BC Celebration of Hops is going down in our back lot on July 21st from 3pm-7pm. It’s a beer tasting festival that proudly lends its weight to the hoppier side of the scale. This year is sure to be bitter and better than ever with the following brewers descending on our back lot armed with their favourite hop-infused brews:
  • Hoyne Brewing Co.
  • Driftwood Brewing Co.
  • Canoe Club Brewpub
  • Vancouver Island Brewing Co.
  • Moon Under Water Brewpub
  • Lighthouse Brewing Co.
  • Spinnakers Brewpub
  • Salt Spring Island Brewing Co.
  • Tofino Brewing Co.
  • Wolf Brewing Co.
  • Whistler Brewing Co.
  • Howe Sound Brewing Co.
  • Central City Brewing Co.
  • Granville Island Brewing Co.
  • Tree Brewing Co.
  • Coal Harbour Brewing Co.
  • Russell Brewing Co.

And of course Phillips!

Tickets are $15 and can be purchased at Phillips Brewery (2010 Government St. in Victoria), or online at (NO service fees).

*They include your first 2 tasters with additional tasters available for purchase at $1.50/each.


who whoulda thought that the newly wed and nearly dead would be such big craft brew folks??
not i
but i’m sure glad they are, cuz victoria is close to vancouver
so ergo, i benefit!

globe and mail on the southern vancouver island craft beer scene

nice shout outs to moon under water, vancouver island brewing and phillips
driftwood and spinnakers at least get a mention!

women in beer

and another installment in the “it happened a while ago” vcbw posts…

women in beer
the thursday of vancouver craft beer week
held at republic

first of all, they asked me to speak
right there you know i’m gonna gush just a little bit about this event
secondly, there were so many amazing women there
you know i’m gonna gush just a little bit more!

rebecca of crannog hammers the hand truck porter cask

because i was speaking, i got to go in early

you know, to help stuff the swag bags
aaaaand schmooze with the brewers and lisa morrison!
it was great being in there early
i got to see all the casks get sprung
and talk to everyone before they got swamped by the loving hoardes
claire of big river brewing helps with the howe sound cask

the beer goddess also helped out with the howe sound cask

at 6:00 the doors opened and the lovely supporters of women in beer arrived

we had all expected that it would be set up differently
more places to sit, a proper place to speak from, actual food
but alas, republic had a different view of the set up
what we got was a great mingling space
with a few roving servers with tiny tapas
and a lower platform to speak from
so we improvised
speeches got cut from five minutes each to 30 seconds
people went out for food after the event
and more schmoozing happened
lisa morrison double-fists it at big river’s station
i began my drinking at claire connolly’s station
she’s the brewmaster at big river brewpub in richmond
she had the women’s collaboration beer on tap
along with her esb
i loved them both!
the women’s collaboration beer was a smoked saison
look at me, i liked a saison!
i wish this beer had been available at more events – it was a gooder
at the beginning of the night it was a bit too cold
but i had it again at the end of the night after it had warmed up a touch and it was a thing of beauty
i next wandered over and met kala hadfield of spinnakers brew pub in victoria
(if you’ve read any of my other vcbw posts, you’ll notice that i ran into kala several times over the course of the week, and she was enjoying herself each and every time!)
she brought an ipa
she figured it might not go over with all the women new to beer
but hoped it might convert some, and would please the hop headed women
and boy, was it ever a hop bomb!
i loved it!
next up for me was the howe sound menage a trois – mango, passionfruit and raspberry wheat ale with coriander
there was a whole lot going on in that beer!
but it worked
the coriander kept it from being too fruity
i said “it tastes like a patio”
and not five seconds later someone else came over to try it and quipped that they felt like they were on a patio drinking it!
rebecca kneen of crannog brought two casks with her
the handtruck porter, which has molasses in it to make it a little bit smokey
and the backhand of god stout
all hail the mighty organic beers!
we were supposed to pair the porter with the chocolate course
but since that came right at the end of the night i had my hand truck porter all by itself
and it was amazing
at the end of the night, when the chocolate finally came out, i had it with the backhand of god
and found that to be quite a divine pairing
more on the chocolate later…
saltspring island ales was represented by two of their womenfolk
heather kilbourne, a brewer, and becky julseth one of the co-owners
they brought heather’s heather bottles and a cask of the big maple
i really enjoyed the heather ale – finished with heather instead of finishing hops
the heather made it sweet rather than bitter at the finish
but not sweet in a sugary sense
the maple was quite nice too
(i’m not such a big maple fan…)
r & b brought a cask of ipa that lundy dale of camra bc and firefly collaborated on
lundy juiced ruby red grapefruit, mandarins, clementines and naval oranges to add to the brew
it was delicious!
not too tart, not too bitter
just like a grapefruit ipa should be!
next i met tracey larson, a brewer at mt. begbie brewing
tracey’s favourite is their cream ale, so no worries that that will ever go off the market!
i am a big fan of their nasty habit – such hoppy goodness
she brought bottles of the atilla the honey with her
i’m not a big honey beer fan, but it is a lovely brew!
i tried the r&b alt next
found it wasn’t at all carbonated and that just ruined it for me
and now, i must admit i am pre-blogging this so as not to be dead air over the long weekend while i camp
and its late at night and i haven’t packed yet…
so i must leave you now and finish my long-winded review another time!