
its almost time for international stout day
november 8th

here’s what the beer wench, the founder of #ipaday, has to say about it

last year i asked marnie at rogue to do a beer pairing dinner featuring stouts
and did she ever come through for me!
this year…
i haven’t done a damn thing about stout day
guess i’ll just have to go with raising a glass of stout that day


so many beers, so little time to write about them!

i had lofty intentions of posting this week
but i have failed
oh well, one day i’ll tell ya all about the stout day beer pairing dinner at rogue, my mini-bellingham-pub-crawl to chuckanut and boundary bay, and all the beernesdays and other tastings i’ve been doing

in the meantime i bid you adieu for a few days
i’m taking a wee vacation in disneyland!
hello mickey mouse!
hello nobel ale works and anaheim brewing
hello out of the park pizza and j.t. schmid’s
hello california sunshine and warmth!!

catch ya late next week!


Happy International Stout Day!!

hit the railway club tonight for a pint of cask r&b mayan chocolate stout why don’t ya?
tapped at 5
i’ll be there before heading to rogue for the stout pairing dinner

wanna know what else is happening around the world for #stoutday?

or what you should bake/cook with stout?