dead frog

dead frog brewery does a major overhaul of its beers
jan zeschky calls it dead frog’s second coming
i think its more like the third or fourth, but who’s counting?

“Dead Frog is dead. Long live Dead Frog!”

i think we all knew it was just a matter of time before brewmaster tony dewald turned that place around
er, well, we hoped anyway!
and it sure looks like tony has succeeded where several other brewers before him did not
no more pepper lime, no more mandarin
no more anything except for the nut brown
(which i have a very soft spot for – it was the first bc craft beer i had that resonated with me enough to make me search out more local brews and end up here, your humble blogger and beer blatherer – and i may or may not have a dead frog inspired beer tattoo commemorating that life-changing a-ha moment)
no more clear glass sleemanesque bottles
its a whole new world!

i can’t help rooting for dead frog
even when they went down so many misguided paths
there’s just something so loveable about that darned dead frog logo
and so many fun puns
its a marketing dream
and now they’ll have the brews to back it all up
this pleases me
(and helps me feel better about that tattoo i may or may not have)

oh the shame!

the humanity!
as a lark i put not very good photos up of my beer-related tattoos
on the website
and thought nothing further of it
(stupid things i do while bored at work…)

and now, they’ve chosen 32 of the top pics submitted
(which thankfully both of my submissions are part of – my pics/tattoos weren’t the worst)
and are asking people to vote for their favourites
in order to come up with a top ten list
and i’m losing
fairly badly
how shameful
how humiliating
how annoying dammit!


do you know how hard it is to take a photo of your own arm?
i didn’t and its harder than i had imagined…

anyway, here are a couple of self-portaits of the latest ode to beer tattoo:

note the anchor brewing anchor

waves inspired by brewdog’s atlantic ipa

colour on the anchor and a bit of shading in the waves and clouds to follow later this month…
hopefully photos of the finished product before christmas/solstice/kwanza/festivus!

tattoo inspiration

good lord, i must really love beer
cuz here i am, getting another beer inspired tattoo!

this time is the anchor steam anchor and brewdog‘s atlantic ipa label that have inspired me!

so far the tattoo is just outlined and grey-washed
colour to come after i find me a job!!
photo to come after the tattoo stops flaking!


i got asked the other day what significance my dead frog tattoo has.

besides being my ode to beer and my undying love of it?
(hence making the dead frog virgin mary-like with its rays, emerging from an upturned bottle cap aswirl with hops and barley)

i’m giving a nod to dead frog’s nut brown ale which is the first craft brew i recall drinking that made me think to myself “damn, this shit is good!  there must be a whole lot more great beer like this out there. and by george, i should find it!”

and there it is fresh from the inking…
apparently i don’t have any good photos of it
perhaps i should remedy that…