
that’s it!
i’m outta here!

i have to go back east for a week for some family stuff, so there won’t be anything new on here until i am back in a week or so

but before i go….
the fundraiser for driftwood brewer tim fukushima at the biltmore on sunday afternoon was a huge success
raffle prizes galore, awesome cheap pints and the kind of spirit the craft beer community should be insanely proud of

(and if you happened to miss my show last week on cbc radio, you can still check it out by going to on the coast and picking the april 16 edition – i’m the last 7 minutes of the show)


i leave for mexico in nine days’ time
this is very exciting for me

i have not been finding much time to keep this blog current
hopefully after three weeks in the sun i will be recharged and return with new vigour to blog, blog, blog!

my goal for this year’s trip is to find all the beers below and try them!
not just take a photo of them like i did last year!


okay, so its almost january
and in january i do a cleanse
every year
the cleanse means that i don’t drink beer for a whole month

this year, i’ll just be cleansing for three weeks, because i leave for mexico on the 21st and i’m certainly not going to miss out on any fun vacation time cleansing!
so its just three weeks without beer this time
but still, its three weeks

which leads me to wonder what the heck i’ll blog about for those three weeks
and the two following when i’ll be in mexico

friends, i think there’s gonna be a hiatus on the blog
minimal posting for three weeks and then a 2.5 week vacation from posts altogether
i would love to say that i’ll miss you
but i’d be exaggerating
i’ll be miserable for three weeks without my beer
but then when i’m on vacation, i won’t even be thinking about all y’all!
i’m selfish that way!