link love

a master cicerone’s view of the state of the craft
and are we losing sight of the craft in craft beer?

lagunitas chicago opens

5 tips for better ipas

14 ways to make craft beer part of your wedding
(obviously a list for the slightly less beer obsessed people out there – craft beer is automatically part of everything i do…)

more annoying reporting about women in beer
calling them babes and broads and making it seem newsworthy that women brew beer
don’t get me wrong, i’m thrilled women like beer
i’m thrilled women brew beer
and i support any woman who wants to be in a women’s beer club so she doesn’t get mansplained to or hit on
but c’mon people, can’t we just get past gendering beer?

fuggles & warlock’s newest gypsy brew

happy hour arrives in bc
but is it really cause for celebration?

legacy liquor store

it’s not too late to get those last minute beer gifts!

new and tasty at legacy liquor store in vancouver:

Big Rock Cuvee Bru Druivenbier – $13.85

A delightful and intriguing union of barley and grapes, pinot gris courtesy of Therapy Vineyards from Naramata, takes place in the resurrection of this esoteric beer. Golden in colour with notes of grain, biscuit and grapes in its aroma, while a palate of grapes, caramel, and bread all work together for a simple and enjoyable beer. Get your hands on this one of a kind beer from Big Rocks Alchemist series!

Evan Doan | Beer Team | Legacy Liquor Store

Driftwood Old Cellar Dweller – $13.55

It’s that time of year again; when big robust beers full of character brave the winter cold to warm us up from head to toe. Mahogany and ruby in colour, this particular barleywine has a huge nose of molasses, burnt sugar, dark chocolate, tobacco and a warming alcohol. All of these aromas translate beautifully in the mouth with an absurd smoothness at this ABV (11.6%) accompanied by earthy hop, more burnt sugar and molasses. This quality brew is good for now or for sometime down the road.

Chris Bonnallie | Beer Supervisor | Legacy Liquor Store

Moon Under Water Wedding Beer – $12.55

There’s something special about single batch beers, maybe it’s the once in a lifetime chance to get to try it, or maybe its how create the beer is. Either way Moon Under Water hit this one clear out of the park. This golden coloured Belgian Triple is spicy and sweet on the nose with all sorts of fruits. Honey, yeast, fruit and spice all contribute to the effervescent palate of the beer. Delicious and dangerously quaffable at its ABV, you’d better snag a bottle before this wedding wraps.

Joel Wilson | Beer Team | Legacy Liquor Store

north carolina

Thanks for everyone’s thoughts on the recent vote on Amendment 1 regarding gay marriage in North Carolina. While that vote in no way reflects the values and ethos of New Belgium Brewing, (we happily extend benefits to same-sex partners), we are not reconsidering building a second facility in Asheville. It has been our experience that the best way to effect change is to work within a system rather than to turn away from it.


i went all the way to victoria this weekend
but had no time to visit any breweries
or english, irish or scottish pubs

all my time was taken up by a lovely wedding and reception
congratulations chris and joshua!

i did, however, manage to quaff a bottle of phillips hop circle ipa at the reception
and a few draft lighthouse beacon ipas at the after-party
go me!

commercialized romance day

happy valentine’s day
especially to all the single beer lovers out there!’s 10 chocolate beers to love

women enjoying beer say buy your lady-friend a beer today

vancouver beer blog’s romantic beer pairings

have your wedding at steamwhistle


there is just no time for beer this week
well, not no time, just very little time

why this week?

well its the vancouver queer film festival august 11 to 21
and i’m spending nine of those 11 days involved with the festival
mostly watching films
but also three nights of volunteering
what a saint i am!

the two days in my calendar not taken up with the festival are today and next saturday
today i get to go join the vanbrewers and sample their wonderful brews
before i hit the bc lions game
next week i get to go see two wonderful friends get married
and they promise me there will be kegs of craft beer at the reception!
(of course i would have gone even without that promise)

what does this mean in general?
not much to anyone but me and my nearest and dearest really
but its my excuse to any of y’all who are reading this for the very light content on the blog over this period!

and speaking of volunteering, i’ll be pouring at beerlesque next friday night
(at the roundhouse, put on by camra vancouver and vcbw)
right after seeing a queer film
fun, fun, fun!!