on the coast

if you would like to listen or re-listen to last week’s beer column on cbc radio’s on the coast, just follow the link, click on the july 9th show and fast-forward to the end
i am on about 10 minutes before the end of the show

talking about how wheat gets into non-wheat styled beers
and about the soon-to-open 33 acres and deep cove breweries


the cask last night at the railway club was central city’s very berry white
and very berry it was
the first few sips were all sweet raspberry
as i got further into it though the wheat started to assert itself

definitely a fruit lover’s beer!
i enjoyed one, but it isn’t my preferred style so i moved on to fat tug for my second course


tried two casks at two venues last night
i love vancouver!

first up, it was rail ale at the railway club
featuring central city’s red racer vanilla chai stout
fortunately for me, there wasn’t much vanilla in it at all
instead it was a delicately spiced easy drinking stout
i liked it, but not enough to have two…

next up i went to the whip
the cask wasn’t tapped when i first got there so i had to suffer through a fat tug…
my life is hard!

the cask of r&b black water wheat got tapped around 10 p.m.
after fat tugging it up to that point i just got me a taster of the cask
you know, to be able to say i’d tried it!
it was interesting…
very banana on the nose, wheaty on the tongue, but not as robust as a hefe
and what is black water?
fortunately it is not waste water, its fulvic mineral water, phew!
i don’t have a chemistry degree, heck i didn’t even take it in high school, so i have no idea what this lovely mineral water offers to a beer
aren’t you glad i blogged about it?
don’t you feel very informed now?
you’re welcome, all part of the service